Sunday, 3 February 2008

Here We Go

As an introductory post I can't provide much- I finally got around to creating a blog which, as an internetian* I should have done long ago. I had a blog for a while when I was about 14 where I'd write the odd thing about myself that I thought the internet would be interested in.
However, it quickly became apparent that the internet doesn't give a crap what I think so I stopped. Also I was lazy.

So here is my new blog, designed to let me host my "artwork" as and when I decide to ever do any- which I should, since stuying science has strangled my creative glands. I might also throw an opinion in here now and again so feel free to argue back, or flame- whatever brings you the most pleasure.


*an individual who uses the internet more than [s]he should.

1 comment:

Aus said...


Er, you're crap...etc

Love Aus. ^_^